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參選宣言:「去除瘀血 更新立會」
因此,勞永樂以「去除瘀血 更新立會」為參選主題,並就此印製立法會『七宗罪』單張,供市民省覽,呼籲市民以一人一票方法清除「瘀血」議員,更新立法會。
項目2 網上選舉廣告 製作21.7.12 發表23.7.12 數目1 網上發放 製作人:勞永樂香港文咸東街93號11D
Manifesto in English
Revitalize our Legislative Council
Manifesto of Dr. Lo Wing Lok
Candidate of the 2012 Legislative Council election -
Lo Wing Lok stands for election to the Legislative Council of the
“These pro-establishment legislators who did not show up at Legislative Council meetings are undoubtedly the "stale blood" of the legislature. I appeal to the electorate to vote discriminately in the coming election, so that the Legislative Council is revitalized by the removal of stale blood and by the injection of new blood.”
Lo Wing Lok learnt first-hand of the injustice in allowing "small circles" with political privileges. After ending his term as legislator, representing the medical functional constituency in 2004, he pledged to the public that he would never be part of any "small circle" election again. Lo Wing Lok honoured his pledge by not participating in any functional constituency election, or election committee election, Chief Executive election, or even the “super" District Council functional constituency elections held since then. He has also become outstanding as one of the most vocal critics of people and political parties participating in these elections.
Lo Wing Lok chose to stand as an "independent" instead of a "democrat" because he cannot agree with people and parties who claim that they are "democrats" but yet participated in the small circles election again and again. Being an independent also has the advantage of having only to serve one master, namely the
Lo Wing Lok was born in
Item 3 internet advertisement produced 21.7.12 published 23.7.12 1 copy internet release produced by Lo Wing Lok of suite 11D 93 Bonham Strand East Hong Kong
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